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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Global Warming Is Going To Make Women Prostitutes...Wait...What?

This is Rep. Barbara Lee, D-California. Her and a dozen other House Democrats claims that global warming could drive women to prostitution. According to these democrats, climate change will affect women worse than men and could force poor women into the sex trade. "Food insecure women with limited socioeconomic resources may be vulnerable to situations such as sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage that put them at risk for HIV, STIs,...

I'm Going To Grab Your Baby...Don't Resist

Anna and Alex Nikolayev, pictured here with their 5 month old baby, Sammy, had their child snatched away by police in California after stating that they wanted a second medical opinion. The couple who are from Russia, took Sammy, who suffers from a heart murmur to Sutter Memorial Hospital in Sacramento when he started exhibiting flu-like symptoms.  A nurse came in to give the baby some medicine and when Anna asked what they were...

Monday, April 29, 2013

Another Cartoon Making Fun Of Dead Americans...From Americans

This is about as low as it gets. First we have our own media hoping against all hope that the Boston Marathon bombers were white right wing conservatives and now we have idiots making fun of firemen who died doing their job. I am so incredibly disgusted by this. When have we as a Nation EVER wished that Americans would die at the hand of another American? What makes it okay to make fun of those who die in the line of duty? The picture above...

Sheila Jackson Lee (D) Around The World On The Taxpayers Dime

There she is...the horse faced congresswoman from Houston. Always opening her big mouth to let the stupid fall freely from it. She recently took a trip to Korea, Vietnam, and Cambodia, and then came back by way of Germany. The reason? To meet with local community leaders, adoption officials, and other government officials, such as the Vietnamese Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs. The cost? $23,646. There's...

Colorado...On The Road To Detroit

Over the weekend, police in Fort Collins, CO, responded to a college party that turned riot-like. The students began throwing bottles at officers and climbing on cars and street poles after cops first tried to make everyone go home, the Associated Press reported. “We were going through telling people party’s over, time to go, and we got a lot of cooperation until…we shut the music off. That completely turned the crowd,” Fort Collins police...

5 Year Olds Training To Be Terrorists

In the following video, children as young as 5 years old, dressed in traditional muslim attire, are seen shooting pistols and AK-47's. Forget about the alphabet, shapes and colors. These kids are learning Jihad as soon as they are able to hold the weapon. What will Jane Fonda do is these little terrorists come to America to wage their Jihad? Dust off their little suicide vest and send them merrily on their way? Most likely, because we certainly...

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Clinton Chronicles...Why Hillary Won't Go Down Without Obama For Benghazi

    If you don't think there is ice running through her veins, think again. Hillary Rodham Clinton will do whatever it takes to preserve herself. WHATEVER it takes. In the 90's, when Bill Clinton was President, a documentary came out called The Clinton Chronicles. It was loaded with facts about the Clinton's and their dealings within the drug industry, money laundering, and murder of those who saw or knew too much. The video...

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Congress Reportedly Trying To Exempt Themselves From 0bamacare

So they refuse to overturn or defund 0bamacare, (took a tip from a comment I read about obama and decided from now on, I too will use a zero for his first name) but they want an exemption from it. According to an article from Politico, they are seeking just that. Congressional leaders in both parties are engaged in high-level, confidential talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from the insurance exchanges they are mandated...

Cultists In Chile Burn 3 Day Old Baby To Death

The Man pictured is 36-year-old Ramon Gustavo Castillo. He is the leader of a 12 member cult in Chile that ordered his followers to throw a 3 day old baby into a bonfire after being told that the child was the anti-Christ. Police arrested 4 other members of the cult, including the child's mother. She said that all of the cult members knew that her baby “would be murdered” and that they had to obey the leader because he “was God.” Seriously,...

Friday, April 26, 2013

Obama Tells Planned Parenthood, "God Bless You"

I cannot even begin to express my disgust for this sack of crap. During his speech on Friday, Obama told Planned Parenthood, America's LARGEST abortion provider with a long track record of covering up sexual abuse and rape, "God bless you." I could scream, I am so sickened. How dare he attempt to invoke blessings from MY GOD for this evil, murdering industry. Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a statement:  “President...

Puerto Rican Teen Refuses To Pledge Allegiance To The American Flag

This makes me so mad. Enidris Siurano Rodriguez, a sophomore at Damascus High School in Montgomery County in Maryland, has protested U.S. policy on Puerto Rico since she was in seventh grade by silently sitting during the daily Pledge of Allegiance."I do not agree with the way the United States treats Puerto Rico... I think Puerto Rico has an undemocratic situation, I dislike the idea that a government so far from the island tells us what we...

Police In TN Raid Wrong House, Kill Homeowner

On Wednesday, April 24, 2013 in Lebanon, TN, a 61 year old man was shot to death while his wife was handcuffed in another room by police during a drug raid on the WRONG house. John Adams and his wife Loraine were watching TV when Loraine heard a pounding on the door. Although police say they identified themselves and wore police jackets, the widow says she had no indication the men were police. “I thought it was a home invasion. I said ‘Baby,...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

FEMA: Zombie UFO Crash Disaster Full-Scale Exercise Idaho 27th April 2013

Sounds like a bad joke, right? Well, it's not. This is an actual drill that FEMA is planning for this Saturday in Moscow, Idaho from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. David Lory VanDerBeek, candidate for Nevada Governor in 2014 first broke this story on March 3, 2013. When he did, FEMA immediately took the exercise off of their website and made it available only to coalition members. However, Mr. VanDerBeek took screenshots of the websites plans. They are...

4 Explosions On Fuel Barges In Alabama

Late last night, 4 explosions rocked Mobile, Alabama on the Mobile River. Officials were responding to 2 of the explosions when the 3rd and then the 4th occurred. It is not clear at this point what caused the explosions, but with all the events that have happened in the past couple of weeks, from the Boston Marathon Bombings to the explosion at a Texas fertilizer plant, it is easy to wonder if these explosions are part of a more nefarious plan. It...

The Raiser Of Taxes

In the Bible, specifically in Daniel 11:20, God tells us that there will be a raiser of taxes. Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.    Well, Obama came in with all the glory of the kingdom for sure. The left had him raised up as their messiah and many believe he actually is their messiah while many on the other...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Obama Gives An Ethics Pledge Waiver To Many In His Cabinet

It becomes more and more apparent every day that this Administration is used to coloring outside the lines. They have no morals and certainly no ethics. I was looking around on the White House Website today and found this bit of interesting news. Obama has granted many in his cabinet Ethics Pledge Waivers. First, let's look at the definition of ethics. According to Miriam-Webster, ethics are defined as: 1 plural but sing or plural in...

Big Sister Napolitano Admits Saudi Was On Watch List

 Photo Courtesy of CSPAN Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano admitted Tuesday that a Saudi national once identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombings was put on a terror watch list after the attack. But just last week, she refused to answer any questions about the Saudi, calling South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan’s question about him “so full of misstatements and misapprehension that it’s just not worthy of...

Gosnell Acquitted On 3 Counts Of Murder

Are you kidding me? Acquitted? His POS defense attorney, Jack McMahon, argued that in three of the instances, there was no proof that the babies were alive before Gosnell snipped their neck. Why snip their neck then? What, just in case?  I have never been so disgusted to look at a face as I am by this evil monster. He is a serial killer who took pleasure in murdering and then mutilating the tiny bodies of innocent little babies. Common...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Benghazi-Gate Report Is In...Hillary and Obama Lied!

  What difference does it make? Well, HilLIARy, it seems it makes a lot of difference. According to the report that came out today, YOU knew what we all knew anyway. YOU were covering up and YOU and OBAMA let 4 AMERICANS DIE! You both should be tried for treason. I'm too disgusted to say anything else. I'll let the report speak for itself. Libya Progress Report Final...

Reese Witherspoon...Another Hungry Hypo(crit)

Over the weekend, Reese Witherspoon, pictured above, was arrested along with her husband Jim Toth in Atlanta. Why? Well, her husband was drunk off his a** and she was disorderly and interfered with the officers making the arrest. The police stopped Toth, who was driving in the wrong lane, and administered a Breathalyzer. He blew a .139 (the legal limit is .08). Ms. Witherspoon recently joined other "celebrities" in NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg's...

A Call To Patriots

It's time. Time for regular Americans to take back our Country. To take back control of our Government. Being a member of Congress used to be a duty that Americans had. They performed this duty while still holding down their regular jobs. It was never meant to be a career. But with all the sweet deals and bribes being offered, it's no wonder that the corruption runs deep. These people fight to keep their "job" at all costs. Even if it means...

Democrat Baucus Will Not Seek Re-Election After Calling Obama-Care A "Trainwreck"

Getty Images       Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.) will not be seeking re-election in 2014, bringing an end his 36-year run in the U.S. Senate and his role as Senate Finance Committee Chairman. Recently, Baucus has been in the news for his comments concerning Obamacare in which he called it a "trainwreck." Baucus also voted "nay" on the Manchin-Toomey expanded background check amendment. It is important to note that Baucus was a...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Glenn Beck's Monday Surprise

It seems as though the Nation has been waiting with bated breath for something...anything, to happen that will bring down this very corrupt Obama Administration. Everything he touches and everyone surrounding him is/are evil. They wish to completely take rights away from people and rule them under an iron fist. Socialism at its finest. Read the full story from The Blaze here We have waited all weekend, hoping and praying that Glenn would give...

Melissa Harris-Perry Shares Her "Wisdom" Once Again...Bombers Were Caucasion

Photo Courtesy of MSNBC This stupid, and I mean STUPID, MSNBC host has opened her brain and let the idiot fall out once again. This time, she says that "the Tsarnaev brothers’ faith right now is about as relevant to the investigation as Ben Affleck movies that depict violence in Boston." In fact, she has argued that the alleged terrorists’ Muslim faith is currently irrelevant in the investigation into the attack. I am really tired of these left-wing...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Colorado 4/20 Smoke Out Ends With Gunfire And People Shot

Photo Courtesy of The Blaze   Wow! Colorado at its finest. First it legalizes pot and then they ban guns. Well, this is what happens when you let idiots be in charge. The shooter? Not apprehended yet. And who could have seen him (or her) anyway? They could all likely be blindfolded with dental floss. This is an incredibly wasted, pun intended, state. The cops even refuse to enforce the laws they do have.   "A sizable police force...

So The Younger Bomber Drove Over His Older Brother?

I know the picture is graphic. I apologize for that. But this is the supposed photo of the autopsy of suspect #1 AFTER he was shot up, detonated and run over by his younger brother. The problem is this. In the video below, it is clear that Tamerlan Tsarnaev is alive and well. So where did these wounds come from? The Boston Globe reported Friday afternoon that 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev “ran over his own wounded brother [Tamerlan Tsarnaev]...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

It's The Boy Scouts of America! Not The Gay Scouts of America!

Photo Courtesy of The Blaze I am disgusted that while the Nation was distracted by the Boston Marathon Bombings and the Texas Fertilizer plant explosions, that these cowards decided to slip their little policy change in right under people's noses. My son is a scout. He is proud to be a scout but now things will be different. No, we are not "scared" of gays. We are disgusted by their lifestyle choice. Why? Because God is disgusted by their choices...

The Boston Marathon Bombing Events Make No Sense

First, I am not saying that these two brothers had nothing to do with the bombings and  am not a detective and have no access to the intelligence that law enforcement does, but here is why things don't add up for me. There are pieces of the puzzle missing here. The first person they arrested was the Saudi National, Abdul Rahman Ali Isa al-Salmi al-Harbi. He was being treated at the hospital for "wounds" he suffered from the blast. Doesn't look...

Friday, April 19, 2013

School Counselor In Texas Fired...Thankfully

Meet Karon Wright, the Texas school counselor who was fired from her job yesterday as a result of her racist rant. I wonder how many of the little kids she counseled are white? Did she also wish them to be wiped from the earth? I say Good Riddance, Karon. I am so sick and tired of the racists trying to turn around their own hate filled bigotry lifestyle and place it on me. I am not a racist. Bigotry comes in all colors. Can you imagine if a white...

Amerika...Welcome To The USSA

I have always tried to be the positive one in our family. My husband tends to be a bit more cynical of the events that have been happening in our Country since idiots voted Obum into office in 2008. But I couldn't sleep at all last night. I just lay there thinking about how we, as American citizens, no longer have the ability to put ANY faith in our government. I know we have had some whoppers as presidents but this one is beyond all comprehension....

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The First Suspect In Boston marathon Bombing To Be Deported

Investigative Project on Terrorism’s Steve Emerson appeared on the Sean Hannity show last night, 4-17-2013, and he had some very interesting things to say. Apparently, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, the Saudi national who was briefly named a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombings, is being deported on Tuesday.      "I just learned from my own sources that he is now going to be deported on national security grounds next...