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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Melissa Harris-Perry Wears Tampons For Abortion

What an asinine twit! Can someone tell me what the hell tampons have to do with killing an unborn child? Hey Melissa, tampons are for stopping the flow. Abortion is about murdering a little innocent child. And the reason the tampons and maxi pads were confiscated in MY state of Texas when stupid women were protesting against killing a child after 5 MONTHS in the womb, is because they were planning to throw them at the lawmakers. If you want me...

Helen Thomas Dead At 92... Ding Dong, The Witch Is...

There is no doubt that Helen Thomas had a very long and controversial career. She made a living out of being a hard questioning journalist. However, it was easy to see where her heart was. She is famous for saying that the Jews should get the hell out of Palestine and go home to Germany, Poland or the United States. Guess what, Helen? The Jews are home... in Israel, where they belong. And now that you have faced the Lord God, how did you explain...

Friday, July 19, 2013

Obama Says He Could Have Been Trayvon 35 Years Ago

All I have to say to the imbecil is... What a shame it wasn't. What a damn shame. ...

Tingles Matthews Apologizes For All White People

Well how nice of Tingles the MSNBC clown to apologize on behalf of ALL white people for all the crap the poor blacks have had to suffer through. I mean, it must be tough to sit around with a hand stuck out and just wait for a democrat to fill it with free stuff paid for by hard working American conservatives.  I'm not saying that all blacks do this but a majority do and quite frankly, I have nothing to apologize to anyone for. I have never...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My White Privilege

A Mayvon Tartin protester in Seattle, Oregon decided to open up her WHITE mouth and let the Nancy Pelosi spill forth. She said, “I want to say something to you white people. It is not enough to feel bad, it’s not enough to not be a bigot,” she said. “Because if you are not actively dismantling white supremacy and checking your privilege every single day and thinking about racism the way that our young black men in our community have to think...

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Beer Is To Blame For The Existence Of Liberals

I had read this little piece a few years ago. I'm not certain of the origin of this so I'm not crediting anyone because it can be found in numerous places. But to whomever wrote this originally, I say thank you. You have hit the nail on the head. Enjoy. Humans originally existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunters/gatherers. They lived on deer in the mountains during the summer and would go to the coast and live on fish and lobster...

Monday, July 8, 2013

Jim Carrey Is Sorry...So Effin What

    Well's official..Jim Carrey is sorry. He's just so sorry for calling his fans heartless mother effers. In a tweet he has made it clear that he is really, really sorry.       See, this is what happens when you call your fans names and then your career tanks. You get really sorry. We can forgive, Jimmy, but we don't forget. And you're also sorry about your most recent film because it is too violent....

Law Office Break-In Makes Obama The New Nixon

The Dallas law firm representing a high-profile State Department whistle blower has been robbed. But the thieves didn't take the silver bars or other valuables. Instead they took computer hard drives and files. “It’s a crazy, strange and suspicious situation,” lawyer Cary Schulman of the firm Schulman & Mathias told The Cable. “It’s clear to me that it was somebody looking for information and not money. My most high-profile case right...

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The 4 Hidden Dynasties And The One World System

As those in power work at a furious pace to bring about the fall of America from within, many of us are left wondering if or when we will reach a point where we aren't able to turn back. Has the "red line" been crossed already? In many ways, yes. There is a one world system spoken of in the Bible and there are 4 hidden dynasties mentioned that are working to bring about this system. The beast spoken of in Revelation, the one that receives the deadly...

Friday, July 5, 2013

Just A Creepy A** Cracker You AzzHo

We all know who is in the picture above. I won't even speak his name since his parents have now trademarked his name. So now, he will be known as Mayvon Tartin to me. I think it is absolutely pathetic to trademark your dead kids name just to try and make a buck. Of course, the "good" Reverend Al helped them do it so he will get a percentage of that money. Disgusting. I don't mean to speak ill of the dead but this is just too much. George Zimmerman...

Police Chief Killed By "Lost" Fast And Furious Gun

How many more have to die before this scandal is brought to light? A police chief in Jalisco, Mexico has been shot and killed by a rifle used in the gun running operation dubbed as Fast and Furious. The following is from the LA Times: Luis Lucio Rosales Astorga, the police chief in the city of Hostotipaquillo, was shot to death Jan. 29 when gunmen intercepted his patrol car and opened fire. Also killed was one of his bodyguards. His wife and...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pro Abortion Fanatics Chant "Hail Satan" At Texas Capitol

As those on the side of life began to sing Amazing Grace, those on the side of murder began to chant Hail Satan as the demonstrators gathered again today at the Texas State Capital. The picture above says more than enough. These people are using children to further their agenda of killing children. That little girl needs to be removed from this "parents" home immediately. What a sick and twisted individual, to use a child in such a manner. And...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Obama Tells Africans They Can't Have A/C Or Nice Homes

The sheer audacity of this ass in chief never ceases to amaze me. Just when you think he can't possibly say or do anything dumber or more arrogant, he goes and surprises you. Speaking at a town hall event in Johannesburg, South Africa yesterday, Obama told Africans that they cannot have air conditioning, cars or big houses or else the planet will boil over. You know what is going to make the planet boil over, Obama? YOU ARE! You are...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Egypt Is Suffering From Buyers Re-Morsi

Protests continue to rage in Egypt as Obama continues to remain silent on the Muslim Brotherhood regime. It is said that the protests in Egypt are the largest gathering in the history of the world. They are angry, not only with Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, but with Obama and America as well. The thing is...they rioted and protested during the Arab Spring to get Mubarak out. They were overjoyed when Morsi stepped in to be their dictator....