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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

It's Been A While

It really has been a while since I have visited my old stomping ground here...Life has a way of turning your whole world upside down sometimes. It certainly has been a whirlwind of a year though. I have sat down so many times, looking at a blank screen here trying to find something...anything to write about. It's not like there hasn't been plenty of stories and scandals by Obama and Hillary. The problem has been choosing one and being able to research a viable, credible story before the next thing broke. That is where the trouble came in. The scandals just started coming too fast and by the time I would have a cohesive story put together in my head, something else had already taken its place.

Everything has started moving at a feverish pace. But I wanted to come back here...come back to my home in a sense...and begin again. I miss sitting down with my coffee and just letting the words flow and even the arguments that would sometimes ensue. I miss my friends...Neal from Golden Geese News and Mr. Garibaldi from the Kona Times. Anonymous C.J. who always had a comment for me. So I am trying to come back. I am working on a story in my head right now...Maybe I can make it work. If my old friends stop by and see this, be sure and say hi...I've missed you. My hope is that by coming back here, to the place where I could always empty my thoughts for whomsoever would read, that maybe the other thoughts that I tell no one will somehow begin to make sense to me and I can sort the tangles out. And tangled it is...but life is beautiful in all its chaos. You just have to look in the right places.

Let me know you were here....I will return and before you know will be like I was never gone from this place....



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